**Addendum to Care** SoulCare Counselling is a private counselling practice that is owned and operated by Jill Zimmer of Calgary, Alberta. The goal of SoulCare Counselling is to provide individuals and couples with a safe place to explore success and failure in their personal lives. SoulCare Counselling honours the fact that counselling is one unique step that someone can take towards health and healing. SoulCare Counselling proudly offers practical and life enriching faith components in all areas of need but is not limited to individuals who are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with such practices. Confidentiality and consent in care is discussed in detail and SoulCare Counselling encourages ongoing discussion of these important elements throughout our time together. PACCP: Code of Ethics: (under public main page) CCTA: |
I have always had a keen desire to listen to the stories people tell. From my earliest days I can recall sitting quietly in the living room as my parents entertained their friends basking in the shared histories and experiences their stories spoke of. It meant something to me.
As I grew and developed relationships of my own this delight attending to the stories of my friend's lives increased. Eventually those stories gave way to that 'deeper' place of conversation and companionship where we began asking the tough questions of why and what does that mean to me. And on very special occasions those questions, often unanswered fully, grew in us something special...empathy perhaps? But always connection. So fast forward to an unplanned crossroad event in my own life. I was stuck between something that was ending and a place I'd yet to begin. I had to make a choice. What do I want to do with my life? Stories. Meanings. Conversation. Questions. Communing. Connecting. Could I do something with those joys? Turns out you can...and I am still trying...maybe you and I might find something to talk about? EDUCATION
Master of Arts in Counselling - Providence Theological Seminary Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies - Briercrest College PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION
I am a member in good standing with the Professional Association of Christian Counsellors and Psychotherapists ( I hold the highest level of certification with PACCP - Certified Professional Counsellor Supervisor (CPCS). Alberta Counselling Therapists are forming a regulatory body. Check out for more details on regulation for the profession in Alberta. My member number is #1007. SPECIALTY TRAININGS